Church Transcription Services
“And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and fellowship,
to the breaking of bread and the prayers.” – Acts 2:42
The Church or the assembly is called to teach the word of God to every nation. The word of God is not a private property to be owned by a particular community. The word of God is revealed to the nations and it should be shared with the humanity in its entirety. However, the Church may have limited resource to make available of the sermons for a wider community. Transcription US is committed to provide quality Church transcription services at an affordable rate.
Church Transcription services are provided for sermons, prayers, Bible studies and lectures in order to grant access to a wider community. Today many Churches publish their Sunday sermons on their website so that even the people who are deaf and hard of hearing have access to the word of God. People browse through internet for various reasons and when they are depressed or lost meaning in their life tend to read the religious content for peace of mind. A transcript posted on your website has the potential to change lost life as it is much easier to read than to listen to the same sermon.